How to become a programmer successful in 30 seconds? - المُهَنْدِسُ الْمُعْمَارَى / مُحَمَّدُ جَمالٍ

المُهَنْدِسُ الْمُعْمَارَى / مُحَمَّدُ جَمالٍ

$$ الموقع الهندسى المعمارى الشامل للكورسات و البلوكات $$

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How to become a programmer successful in 30 seconds?

How to become a programmer successful in 30 seconds?

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How to become a programmer successful in 30 seconds?

Daye certainly you will not be a programmer successful in 30 seconds, there is no magic Here, if you do not learn about programming from the ground up and would like to learn, or you're a programmer and you want to sharpen your skills, or even you are a programmer successful but you have difficulties in the new follow-up I think that this article will be useful to you personally, and you may be given the opportunity to correct your route and guide you properly.

What are the programming again?

Programming is the way that human beings which have new software is to accept a set of data and is based on the impact of a specific task and in the end, are giving the desired results, and the program works on any computer and like your computer profile or smart phone or television or routers in the home or gaming devices such as Xbox and PlayStation, and even control in the automotive and machinery factories and camera systems.

Essentially programming depends on the type command set closer to the language of human beings, but specific and precise rules and after writing the end of the computer by turning it into machine language through a variety of other programs that assigned her the task, you will never believe how much software they deal with daily, and probably do not notice them absolutely, including: computer games and office software, web sites, operating systems smart televisions, mobile operating systems and operating systems washing machines and systems, automated teller machines and control systems in automotive systems and software elevators, airplanes, missiles brakes, you are always surrounded by a computer program does something to you, be calculates the rest of the request, the food favored registers in the restaurant which requested, does the brake systems in the car that almost Tsdmk this morning, offers you new friends on Facebook you may know, and that is precisely why programming is becoming the winning field in this era, and became a human literacy is measured on a scale the degree of interaction with technology and applications that surround you from every direction.

How can I become a programmer from the ground up? Does it require special skills?

No, you should not fly or walk on a rope hanging in the air or fights Dracula in Transylvania Caves, just enough to have a little logical thinking and a lot of curiosity, in fact, your goal is to reach a good level in the following skills:

Problem-solving skill: to analyze a problem Kazdham roads in a logical way and propose the best solutions.
Skill coding software: They should be able to formulate the solution properly using a programming languages ​​or more and to follow the agreed rules and concepts in writing software.
Skill to estimate the time and cost: the skills that you must develop them is to estimate the time to finish a task or a project, of the most famous questions that are trying to discover the level of applicants for a job programmer in that skill is "remind me a number of petrol stations in all the governorates of Egypt?" Questions an accurate number, but does not require an estimate illustrates how a programmer would estimate the amount of what he does not know but he has an idea of ​​how it can be calculated and appreciation.
Creativity: the programmer must be characterized by a fertile imagination allow him to invent new solutions to the problems facing it, and the most famous of those questions that measure that skill, "remind me 20 use sticks sulfur?" Or "remind me 10 uses pins stapler office?", The goal which is not to mention real uses do every day, but you can invent new uses of the imagination, even if ridiculous.
Job skills with the team: Programmers working in teams, does not programmed to do all the project alone, so your skill in dealing with members of the team and your managers of basic skills upon which programmed evaluation.
Skills above does not deny that the basic rule for any programmer is his knowledge of basic computer science, those sciences that are taught by faculties of Computer and Information in Egypt and most nations alike, that science is developing solid foundations programmers can then select the appropriate area for them and choose programming languages the appropriate application programming that will help them in this area.

The basic science that students of Computer Science study are as follows:

* Introduction to Computer Science
* Computer regulate Computer Organisation
* Algorithms and data structures Algorithm and Data Structures
* Design patterns
* Object Oriented Programming
* Drawing computer Graphics
* DataBases databases
Datamining exploration data
* Computer Networks Networking
AI Artificial Intelligence
Operating systems Operating system
Discrete Mathematics (can be found on a course on YouTube from UC Berkeley University)
Differential Calculus
Ordinary Differential Equation
Partial Differential Equation
Census Statistics
Physics Physics
Operation Research Operations Research
* Software Engineering Software Engineering
* Web programming Web Development
Previous Group is part of a long list of the curriculum, which is studying computer science faculties goers, some more important than others have you put an asterisk (*) in front of the curriculum, which will directly affect the programmed work on a daily basis and leave the teams in his way of thinking and production.

What should I do specifically to become a successful programmer?

Identify the core curriculum taught by academics, students: Learn these branches through its pages on Wikipedia, do a little Baltbhr out and looking as you want, you recognize what is computer science and gives them their importance in our lives he considered yourself in your home.
Consider curriculum or a book in the core curriculum, which you point it with (*) will give you a solid foundation will enable you to build it easily later, you can find most of the curriculum at MIT channel OpenCourseWare on YouTube or if you prefer books will be better this much and you'll find lists of books on the Amazon site that you look up the name of the branch.
Select the area who like to do it: such a move would be harder to be sure, ordination of computers students and even some graduates can not determine harvest what they really and things seem confusing, but here is a small batch for you to approaching what you want: Imagine yourself at the age of 60, wake up daily to go to work, what do you want to be the quality of the software that will work for them? What is the applications that Offinet age in the development and planning of the type? ", You are web programming ?, engineer databases? Network Engineer? Programmer desktop applications? Games Programmer? Unlimited choices and rely on your imagination and your insistence on success.
Select programming language suitable for the area: Try to be comfortable programming language you are required in the labor market, and has a long history and a society surrounded by relatively large, learning that language, drown yourself sources to learn, continued programmers special sites, and follow news from all sources available every site possible to extract from him information about those programming language.
Stay connected Balambr.n who work in your field the same: to join their groups on social networks, you join them and watching for their discussions only you will improve your level and raise the consciousness of the domain in which it operates.
You showed your works: you can be as good as you want, but without showing your business will not know one that you exist in the first place, Create your applications, do your own thoughts and display it for people interested in marketing yourself and your business and your skills, it will save you the work that you wish for, and when you view your business and exposure to criticism that will improve your level and always pushes you forward.
Be flexible: programming languages ​​merely tools to reach your goal, an achievement projects, in order that very approach of programming languages ​​to know about them ordination and forget those very basic information and it turns into an emotional attachment rather than a working relationship, if your language by some defects or become feel that there is another language, the best ones have moved gradually, programming languages ​​are not religions, and you have to treat as it is "a tool for programming applications" you can be the best they change them whenever you want.
Keep your passion and your love for science: The day I stopped reading and learning know that you are backing away a step backwards, science in all fields is progressing fast that settled for what I have learned in one day, you'll find it someday you will never know what is going on around you and in the What's New that language and that the business is no longer important because everyone is your job faster and more efficiently and professionally, so you always learn new tools, the discovery of languages ​​and follow the best technology news in general programming.
In the end, to be a programmer successful long way depends on the ordination of skills and requires sacrifice and perseverance, which is in fact an interesting way in many respects, there will be no better than those argument, which shows you how your efforts and perseverance may make you the richest men User In the world :

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