Evermotion Arch Exteriors Vol.30 مشاهد خارجيه كامله ماكس اسكتش اب - المُهَنْدِسُ الْمُعْمَارَى / مُحَمَّدُ جَمالٍ


$$ الموقع الهندسى المعمارى الشامل للكورسات و البلوكات $$

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Evermotion Arch Exteriors Vol.30 مشاهد خارجيه كامله ماكس اسكتش اب

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Evermotion Arch Exteriors Vol.30 < comment
10 مشاهد خارجيه كامله ماكس اسكتش اب
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Archexteriors vol. 30 includes ten architectural templates. You will find here fully modeled and textured 3d exteriors with complete lighting and three cameras setups for every scene. You just need to put your building model in the scene and click "render".
  • Scenes are prepared for V-ray 3.0 with 3dsmax 2011.
  • All scenes are saved in two versions, one with vray proxy only and one with Forest Pack setup (Forest Pack plugin needed).
  • Vegetation in the scenes is a V-ray proxy and only usable with V-ray and 3dsmax.
  • If you have problems to save or re-open the scenes, you need to update your PhysX plug-ins. Learn more about it here
  • All presented renders are with postproduction. PSD files are included.
  • Recommended system specification: 16Gb of ram, 64 bit system, CPU i5 or newer

*.max - 2011 or higher

V-Ray *.max - 3.0 or higher

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