كتاب كيفية تقديروحساب تكلفة مشاريع البناء domain registrar, a book how to estimate and calculate the cost of construction projects - المُهَنْدِسُ الْمُعْمَارَى / مُحَمَّدُ جَمالٍ

المُهَنْدِسُ الْمُعْمَارَى / مُحَمَّدُ جَمالٍ

$$ الموقع الهندسى المعمارى الشامل للكورسات و البلوكات $$

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 كتاب كيفية تقديروحساب تكلفة مشاريع البناء domain registrar, a book how to estimate and calculate the cost of construction projects

كتاب كيفية تقديروحساب تكلفة مشاريع البناء domain registrar, a book how to estimate and calculate the cost of construction projects

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كتاب كيفية تقديروحساب تكلفة مشاريع البناء domain registrar, a book how to estimate and calculate the cost of construction projects 

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The process of cost estimation in building and construction projects is a basic process and an important tool for project management. Cost plays a major role in achieving the project in the best way and achieving the desired success of this construction in all respects. The importance of accurate cost estimation appears from the beginning. Starting a project if the cost is large and high for the project owner. The cost estimation book is divided into two parts, the first is how to estimate the cost, the importance of this process, its types and methodology, and the second part 
looks at the types of approximate estimates and how to link these estimates with cost planning.

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The first question asked by the customer wishing to build is the cost of this building, but the answer to this question will certainly not be accurate, but will be an approximate answer to the total cost, however, this figure will not be fixed, but rather changes with the progress of construction and becomes more accurate 
with the passage of time. Therefore, after identifying the

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 importance of estimating the total cost of the construction process, we present to you the construction cost estimation book, which contains a lot of important information that you will benefit from before starting the construction process, and despite the large number of this information, we will present to you the main points in this book, which are:
1) The importance of the assessment process and the accompanying questions about this idea.
2) Definition of cost estimation and estimation work requirements.

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3) How engineers study the types of estimates and a detailed explanation of each type.
 4) The accuracy of the assessment, the assessment methodology, and the steps for preparing the assessment processes.
5) The plan used for the estimation process and how to document it and review the estimation.
6) Methods of making estimates and identifying the methods used, such as the unit price method, the surface area method, and others.

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